Death is a short conversation that happens through whispers. Or it’s a few thoughts and words that pass through the night.
We would rather talk about anything else but the inevitable (and the unknown).
We would rather create the perfect scenario to what we believe a good life and good death should look like.
If I can be candid, I believe there is no perfect life or the perfect way to die.
But, there is purpose to life. And experiencing loss can often recreate a new purpose within us.
Now, some of you reading this are comfortable with the idea of death.
But it’s the heavy emotions and grief you fear.
It’s the fear of losing someone you love.
And this, I can understand.
But it’s important to remember that when we love, we will naturally grieve.
And grief is a part of life we have to experience.
But it’s not an emotion you have to learn to live with.
There are few occasions when we are granted the permission to speak loudly about life, death, and grief, and that is at a memorial service.
I am deeply committed to helping people find meaning about death, grief, love, and connection.
And I am passionate about telling the life and the story of our departed loved ones.
Their legacy, their spirit lives through us.
I take any opportunity to celebrate life, to speak about death, and honor those who passed before us because I do believe that life is sacred.
Becoming a death celebrant has given me the opportunity to listen and to learn. It is truly a gift to do this work.
I have been many things in life and maybe I will become more, but for now, all paths led me here.